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Nautical painter first mate
Nº. SOIB Offer:
Cleaning and preparation of work surfaces (blasting, polishing, brushing, sanding). Sandblasting of workpieces and structures by blasting with aluminum silicate: in the open air, in blasting rooms, in tanks, or in booths. Organization, collection, and cleaning of the equipment used and of the work area. In particular, cleaning of accumulated dust.
Vacancies Offered: 1
Workplace: Vilanova y la Geltrú
Minimum academic level: Not required
Minimum experience: 5 years doing industrial or marine sandblasting work
Languages: Not required
Other Requirements: Willingness to travel – Working in confined spaces
Gross salary: 2.300 €
Incorporation date: ASAP
Type of Job: Full Time
Schedule: 7:00 - 15:00

Are you interested?
Send your CV to ricardo@nautipaints.com