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Master's Degree in Nautical Industry: Repair and Planning
UIB's own degree (30 ECTS)
The Master's Degree is made up of the contents of the two University Specialists that are carried out in consecutive years:
- University Specialist in Nautical Industry: Engineering, Projects and Repair. UIB-specific qualification (30 ECTS). Academic year 2023/24
- University Specialist in Nautical Industry: Technology and Planning. UIB-specific qualification (30 ECTS). Academic year 2022/23.](http://balearicmarine.org/es/education/461/especialista-universitario-en-industria-nautica-tecnologia-y-planificacion)
- Once each of the two specialists has been studied, a Final Master's Thesis (TFM) must be completed in order to obtain the 66 ECTS degree.
The nautical sector generates more than three percent of the gross domestic product of the Balearic Islands, through its industry, the generation of indirect jobs and the attraction of tourism with a high purchasing power.
Aware of the positive impact that this sector has on the island's society, the University of the Balearic Islands, with the complicity of important business agents in the nautical world, is launching this innovative postgraduate course which will offer a wide range of knowledge related to the industry dedicated to the repair of large yachts.
After an initial module, in which the basic knowledge of nautical science is introduced, the course covers an extensive list of topics in which multiple technologies and procedures common to repair and refit projects are presented, ranging from the different materials used, their pathology and treatment, to energy generation systems or navigation equipment.
The contents are then grouped into five main subject areas: three on technologies: electricity, mechanics and electronics; a block on industry planning and another on technical English.
The course is completed with additional, but equally important, subjects related to occupational safety, environmental management, human resources and legislation specific to shipyards, among others.
General information
Level: Master
Date of the course: October 2022 - May 2023
Enrolment date: October 2022
Course duration: 300h
Course format: Face-to-face
Place: University Campus
What are the entry requirements?
This course is aimed at graduates in Industrial, Telecommunications or Computer Engineering.
It is also aimed at professionals in the nautical sector, with or without university training, who wish to broaden their professional horizons by completing and updating their knowledge.