Contact us

Rupert Savage
Chief Commercial Officer

Manu Ayme
Sales Director
Pinmar is the market leading brand in the superyacht painting sector. New build or refit, a Pinmar paint finish is recognised as first-rate worldwide.
Since our founding in Palma, Mallorca in 1975, Pinmar has grown to become one of the largest and most comprehensive service groups in the superyacht industry. A turnkey Pinmar refit benefits from our core service of yacht refinishing complemented by scaffold, containment and yacht hardware solutions through our sister company Technocraft, and marine supplies through Pinmar Yacht Supply.
We’ve refinished 100’s of the world’s finest yachts and increasingly we’re involved in finishing some of the largest and most exciting new builds in many of the leading superyacht shipyards.
With operations on both sides of the Atlantic we have a global presence which allows us to offer our unique global warranty. Our Pinmar Paint Standard is the most comprehensive and exacting in the industry.
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Do you want to contact us?
Send us an email to info@pinmar.com and we will answer you as soon as possible.