Contact us
BWA Yachting is a worldwide yachting services provider established to support captains, managers and crew. We aim to make their lives easier, assisting with the increasing demands of managing a modern superyacht. Our global office network stretches throughout the Mediterranean, Northern Europe, Caribbean and the Americas, providing a unique and seamless experience, wherever our clients are cruising.
BWA Yachting can assist with a broad range of services from planning a complicated, multi-country itinerary to just a single port call. We can cover everything from clearance procedures to berthing reservations, bunkering, provisioning, itinerary advice, logistics, technical assistance, travel arrangements, and many more. With central and local points of reference, a ground breaking system developed in-house, that provides streamlined business workflows amongst our offices and enables seamless intercountry communication of your preferences, we plan to save you time and a whole lot of hassle.
We consider ourselves to be a people company-we prefer relationships to transactions, friendships over deals and building trusted partnerships with our clients from the very first meeting. Essentially, We speak your language.

Do you want to contact us?
Send us an email to spain@bwayachting.com and we will answer you as soon as possible.