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Centre de Formació S'Algar
Centro de Formación s’Algar offers a wide range on training.
Dual training contracts in the nautical sector
- Professional certificate level 2 in nautical carpentry
- Professional certificate level 2 in nautical painting
- Professional certificate level 2 in composites and fibers
- Professional certificate level 1 in auxiliary maintenance operations (mechanics, electronics and rigging)
School authorized and approved by the “Conselleria de obres públiques y transports” for the impartation of theoretical courses to obtain all recreational nautical titles (navigation license, basic navigation pattern, recreational boat pattern, yacht pattern).
Authorized to carry out official navigation and radio communications practices.
Our Centers

Recreational nautical training
Nautical Training Contracts

Do you want to contact us?
Send us an email to info@escolasalgar.com and we will answer you as soon as possible.